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About Healing Rooms
Healing Rooms provide a loving, safe, confidential environment where you can come to receive healing prayer. Jesus Christ does the healing. There is no charge and no appointment is necessary.

Some people are healed instantly by a miraculous touch from God. Others receive their healing progressively over a period of days, weeks, or months. We are committed to pray for a person for as long as it takes, contending for their healing until they are completely well! We pray for physical and emotional healing to the complete person (spirit, soul and body).



Chief National Director: Chris Gore

Chris was a pastor in New Zealand before moving to Redding, California, in 2006 where he served as the Director of Healing Ministries for Bethel Church for 16 years before returning to New Zealand in 2022. He is now the Chief Director of Healing Rooms New Zealand and the founder of Release the Healers New Zealand, and continues to minister internationally.

As well as having an unquenchable hunger for God's Presence, Chris's passion is to see ordinary saints walking in extraordinary exploits, releasing the Kingdom through healing and miracles. With that as his aim, he teaches and activates the church to live in a Kingdom mindset and the full inheritance that Jesus paid for. He burns to see a healing revival in New Zealand and believes it should be the normal expression of the believer to have answers to their prayers!


National Director: Rhonda Puddle

Rhonda was deeply touched by God as a teenager during the charismatic renewal and has had a heart for healing and revival ever since. She moved with her family to Toronto, Canada in 1999 and was introduced to the ministry of Healing Rooms in the early 2000's when the International Director of Healing Rooms, Cal Pierce, came to speak at revival meetings in Toronto. She attended a Healing Rooms training session in 2008 after returning to live in New Zealand in 2007 and subsequently supported the establishment of several Healing Rooms in the Waikato area becoming the Director of North Hamilton Healing Rooms in 2011.

In more recent years, as the Waikato Regional Director, she worked closely with Julie Calvert, (our founding National Director), assisting with training days, regional and national gatherings, and conferences. 

Now as National Director for New Zealand, Rhonda continues to desire that the transforming love of God would permeate our society as individuals are touched by the healing power of Jesus. The Healing Rooms are a wonderful ministry of the Body of the Christ where this can happen.



Frequently Asked Questions
“What is Healing Rooms?”
It is set up with a reception area, waiting room and private rooms. A team of three people pray for those who come to receive healing. A session is 20-30 minutes.


“Can anyone come?”
Yes, everyone can come, irrespective of their beliefs. We are open to the public and welcome all who come. Most Healing Rooms are open at least one day a week (it depends on team availability). The location section of this website will give you details.


“Why do you pray for the sick?”
We pray for healing for the sick because God delights to heal people and we are convinced He wants people well. 


“I’m interested in seeing Healing Rooms commence where I live. What should I do?”
Details are in the contact us section of this website.


“I have other questions about Healing Rooms. Where can I get answers?”
If you have specific questions, we’d encourage you to get in touch. The contact us section has details.

Healing Rooms reopened in Spokane, Washington, USA in 1999 and have since expanded to 76 nations. There are more than 3,000 Healing Rooms world-wide. The number of Healing Rooms in New Zealand is growing.

Healing Rooms New Zealand is the recognised national representative of the International Association of Healing Rooms

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